Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"It's almost impossible to move forward without offending someone"

This was a tweet by Dan Rockwell (@Leadershipfreak).  I thought it was an interesting statement and decided to put some notes down....so, here goes!

Are we offending purposely? If being offended, consider the intent
Being offending usually occurs from the meaning we attach to something
Why would someone be offended by moving forward?
Is the moving forward an individual thing or a group/as a business etc?
We have the power to choose
We can choose our response
Nobody can take that power away from your but too often we surrender it ourselves
Sometimes we find ourselves taken aback by insults because there's some truth to them because they poke at our insecurities
Nobody can offend you without your permission

Move forward - what are we moving forward from? Or to?
Moving forward from a period of grief or upset, maybe from depression or a generally bad decision or situation.....that may offend because people think we aren't ready for that yet or perhaps they can't move forward from the same or a similar situation.  Never, the offence that some people feel or take is their choice.

What else could moving forward imply? Well, moving forward into a new job, a new relationship.  How about moving forward into a new area of your current job?

The thesaurus uses progress as definition of move forward. It's a verb, an action word. Advance, continue, forge ahead, move on.

Moving forward means change. Means moving on from where we currently are. Taking steps
Some people thrive on change. On new experiences and challenges, for others it will be the scariest thing they can think of and the last thing that they would choose to do!

Maybe moving forward offends others because of the way it is done.  Need to be considerate but at the same time we can't afford to stay still just because others don't approve. Maybe it offends because we are finding a way forward and they can't? Do we empower ourselves to move forward or do others empower us to do it? Why do we want to move forward? To get out of or away from a bad situation? To run away? Or is it more to do with growth? Stretching abilities, improving skills, accepting or taking greater responsibilities?
Remember your values

What holds us back from moving forward?
Fear? Past experience? Other people? Being comfortable where we are?
We may not know what lies ahead.....moving forward isn't always going to have a map with clearly laid plans. There may be an element or risk. Risk of getting it wrong, making mistakes, putting oneself into a vulnerable position, open to questions over motives or abilities.

So what about the offence part?
As long as motives are right, and the attitude in how we are doing something, we can't be responsible for how others respond or react. Why would they be offended? Maybe you are doing something they wish they could do? Jealousy? Fear of change?  Lack of understanding.

Don't let it stop you from moving forward.....move towards the goal, the dream, the vision....do it in the right way. Consider others, be honest and open, remember your values. If someone still takes offence then that's their choice not your doing.

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