Friday, May 3, 2013

How do you influence others?

I've only recently got excited by using Twitter. It took me a while to understand how it worked but now I get it I really enjoy it. I think I'm actually preferring it to Facebook. I generally use it for work related contacts and Facebook is more personal.

Anyway, I also found out recently that the hash tag #FF means Follow Friday and is a way to recommend your followers to follow other people or companies/groups etc. I have been included in a couple of these in the past few weeks and today thought it was my turn. I decided to tag people who I felt inspired by or have encouraged me in my work recently.

I think it's important to acknowledge those who influence you, who support you, who make themselves available to you and help you grow. Some of them do it directly, personally, others by just the way they do business, the things they say or how you see them respond to others.

So, just stop for a moment - what sort of influence have you been this week? Do the people around you see you as inspirational, steadfast or positive? Has your attitude been one of encouragement or discouragement? I find when I'm around positive and enthusiastic people it helps me to be the same and yet, on the other side of that, those who moan and complain, run other people down are the ones I try not to spend too much time with....the negativity rubs off too easily!

Sometimes people in the office say to me...'I couldn't do your job...all those people moaning at you!' Yeah? Well, sometimes is it a bit like that but I don't always see it that way. I provide a service and will do my best to help anyone - if they have a nice attitude then that makes it much easier but sadly the world isn't all nice!! I get a buzz from solving a problem, from seeing things work well, from avoiding unnecessary disruption from something that I do - if it results in a 'thank you' then even better! I'm nowhere near perfect but I hope I can be a positive influence on my team and others!

Lets consider what sort of influence we want to be....

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