Friday, March 22, 2013

Time to grow

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Life is all about learning isn't it? From the moment we are conceived we begin to grow. The cells multiply, limbs and organs form and over the course of 9 months or so a baby grows and is born. An amazing miracle of life.

But it doesn't stop there....a baby is born and then grows....constantly learning....learning how to feed, how to communicate, how to hold things, to eat solid food, to roll over, crawl, walk and talk. It never stops....what about writing, reading, riding a bike, getting dressed by themselves.....I could keep going!!

How odd it would be if a child rode a bike with stabilisers and did that forever because they were so good at it. They'd never really need to take them off and learn how to ride the bike without them....but you don't see teenagers riding a bike with stabilisers do you???!!! Nope, once they can ride the bike with stabilisers the next thing is to be able to do it without stabilisers. And as they grow older they move on to scooters, motorbikes and cars!

It's all too easy to find a comfortable place in our lives where we just sit thinking that we've achieved enough, thinking we've reached the top of the game whether that is in our professional lives or otherwise. Being comfortable and confident, knowing we've achieved is a great place, but is it enough? Is it ok to stay there and not do anymore? Perhaps? Maybe for some people it is. However for others maybe it isn''s called aspiration isn't it? Wanting to achieve and to grow.  

But what is this growth all about? Growing in knowledge? Gaining qualifications? Learning new skills? 

I think it is more than just learning - I think it is about believing in yourself, about not giving up or giving in - to not be scared of challenges ahead and how they will change us.

What does it mean to you? Are you prepared to grow?


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